Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weekend in Wyoming

I headed home from school last weekend to you guessed it...Wyoming. From first glance Wyoming seems like a pretty boring place. Well, with the largest population of antelope per capita and all the buzz revolving around the new olive garden in my hometown of Casper, that is exactly what it is, boring. Fortunately it is a diamond in the rough as far as natural beauty goes. Sunsets are unbelievable and western motifs are plentiful, providing an urban photographer the means for a good ol' fashioned country wet dream. Sound pleasing? Trust me, it is.

So I spent the first day of my weekend away from the cattle slaughtering capital of the US taking photos of candy hearts and a cork from a nice bottle of vino. I had the thirst for some of that country lovin' I told you about which prompted me to ask my dad if he wanted to get out and shoot some sunset photos of the Platte river. He agreed and drove right past the river. Fortunately, I trusted his instinct to go much much further out of town. We arrived to a spot that could be only found with a gps and the corresponding coordinates due to the much appreciated remoteness. From there we set up tripods, attached necessary accessories and applied settings to cameras needed for the photos we wanted. With his new Nikon D90 and my new Kenko extension tubes, my dad and I each took 250 images with ease. I was so excited I almost acquired frostbite in my hands because I couldn't stop thinking of all the great shots I was getting. When the sunset went down we headed home to look at our trophies.

I found this one particular image I was very happy with so I opened it in Lightroom. I started off simply adding the aged preset, then played with the many sliders. That is all I did to finish this photo of a barbed wire fence taken with my 50mm lens. Next week, I'll be posting a special Valentine's day photo! :)

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